Monday, December 19, 2016

e9 Quarter 2 Reflection

My Strengths

    With this semester, I think that most of my strengths were in the graphic design area. For me, I felt like it was something that I've always wanted to try and when I had the opportunity to, I think I caught on pretty well. Over all, though, I think that I managed my time well with all of my projects and did an alright job with most of them. For the SketchUp project in animation, though, I think this seemed to be my favorite one and I think that I was successful in creating my house in the end.


    I honestly think that with improvement, I could try to do a lot better and learn more with animation. For this quarter, we had to do a bit of it, and I think I struggled in that area the most. I had a many difficulties, but I had help so it turned out alright in the end anyway.

What I Loved Most

    I think that this semester was alright and I learned a lot from this class. What I loved the most about this semester, though, was the SketchUp house that we had to create for a project in animation/web design. I had used SketchUp before in middle school and it seemed to be a fun project to create. The outcome of the house was really cool and I think that's what I liked most about it.

What I Would Change

    From all of my projects, I think that there's a lot I would change with each of them. I would try to take my time and ask more questions whenever I need help.

Overall Take-Away

    I learned a lot this semester in e9. I think that the most important thing that I learned about this program is that it takes a lot of effort and time to be successful in what you're aiming for, and that it's not easy at first, but learning along the way can extremely help. I also learned that I'm probably not the best person with animation, but it was still cool to create those projects.

Final Thoughts/Goal

    With all that I've gotten to do and learn in e9, I think that my overall goal is to better myself in the areas that I'm struggling in. Even though I won't be in e9 next semester, I think that with whatever time I can take, I'd like to try to improve myself with those specific struggles, just so I can learn more about it all. My final thought about e9 is that it's a great 21st Century program and it has a lot of areas for a variety of people that can enjoy it.

Dreamweaver Website Project


         This week in e9, we started with our finals project. We each made a website on Dreamweaver and watched along with videos. When I first started, I set one up with my name. I then began to change some of the words that were already there, such as my name, links, and my "introduction" paragraph. I added some of my projects from the past such as the bouncing ball project. Through the videos, we were able to learn a little bit about coding and HTML, but there wasn't much we did with it. Then, I started to add color to my website, using purples and yellows. I also got to change the fonts of all the text I had. With making the link colors, I had to go into the coding part of it and add those different colors for the link, such as hovering, accessed, and others. After, I took a screenshot of both of my pages.

What I Learned

   From this project, I learned a lot. I first learned what Dreamweaver was and how many people can use it to create all sorts of websites. Also, as I said in the process paragraph, I learned a little bit of coding for websites. To me, it's still a bit confusing, but helpful nonetheless. I learned how to set up links in websites and a lot more.

What I Would Do Differently

  If I could do this project again, I'd definitely change my colors. Also, I'd change the fonts and really just a lot of what I did. Overall, my website didn't turn out too bad. I think it was an interesting project to do and definitely educated me about website creating.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

SketchUp House Animation


      For this project, we first started out learning how to use SketchUp. I have used the program before in middle school so it was all review to me. To find the house we'd make, we went to a website that showed house plans. I picked one that I liked with a fairly simple roof and began making the base of it on SketchUp. Then, we raised it up and made a roof. We made the windows, doors, decks, stairs and all the other details. Then, we painted them all. It was helpful that I wasn't trying to make my own house, but using an already made house plan. After that, we went to the 3D Warehouse on the program and picked out some trees, plants, and cars for our house. I decided to use all 3D items to make it look more realistic.

What I Learned

    With this project, I learned many new things I didn't know about in SketchUp when I was in middle school. I learned how to use items from the 3D Warehouse for my house, animating with the scenes, and using light and shade to make the house seem more realistic.

What I Would Do Differently

       This project was fairly difficult but it was interesting to do. I did have some struggles throughout the process, such as having problems with the roof and windows. If I could do this project again, I'd probably like to choose a larger house and try to challenge myself with it. I'd like to make it seem as realistic as I can. It was a fun project, so I'd see myself wanting to do this again.