Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Illustrator Experience

     In my E-Communications class this week, we began to learn how to use the program Adobe Illustrator. We started with making different shapes with different colors just to introduce ourselves to the basic aspects of the program. Later this week, we learned more about Illustrator and even got to make our own graphic of anything we liked. We also learned about color theory and the different factors to it.


     Our first tool that we used was the shape tool. We each made a couple shapes like a rectangle, star, and circle. The shaper tool contained the basic shapes. Then, we made our own graphic design with another tool that let us draw out a shape, and it automatically picking up what we've drawn and making it. We made a Pac Man sort of shape. Then, we made our own graphic design with everything we've learned throughout the week. With also learning about color theory, it helps when making a graphic. We learned about things like the groups of specific colors and factors like tint and shade (and more). Overall, I think using this program will be educational and fun to use.

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