Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ten Strengths Animation Video


     For this project, we gathered our ten strengths from our blog and set them into an animation. We first started out with making all of our words. Then, we found a picture and made each of our words a color from that picture. We fixed the fonts and the sizing and then it came down to the video timeline. We had to have our words coming in or fading in, in any way using keyframes and tweens. I set a couple words with tweens and a couple with keyframes. Then, after watching it over and over again, I fixed each of the words and added a fade in/out from black. It was almost perfect until I saved the animation. I went through a couple struggles relating to the size and such, but I ended up going with my original saved video. As much as I tried to fix it, the video would end up with more problems. So, I just used this one.

What I learned

     From this project, I learned about how to use the video timeline, keyframes, and fading in the separate words. It was confusing to me at first, but I finally understand how to use them all.

What I Would Do Differently

     The project, overall, was interesting, but if I had to change anything, I would obviously fix the problems that showed up with the sizing of the video. Besides the black space around my animation, I think it turned out pretty nice. 

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