Friday, November 18, 2016

My Elevator Pitch

I'm a ninth grader at ONW with a creative mindset and a determined demeanor. I'm often complimented by my teachers and peers about my realistic drawings and makeup designs. Beliefs that I have, I always achieve at expressing them through my art. I'm eager to find others with the same qualities and characteristics as I, here in my community. I'd also love to learn what others are passionate about and how they communicate those ideas with their creativity. With that, I'd like to inspire others with the messages and themes that my art pieces portray.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ten Strengths Animation Video


     For this project, we gathered our ten strengths from our blog and set them into an animation. We first started out with making all of our words. Then, we found a picture and made each of our words a color from that picture. We fixed the fonts and the sizing and then it came down to the video timeline. We had to have our words coming in or fading in, in any way using keyframes and tweens. I set a couple words with tweens and a couple with keyframes. Then, after watching it over and over again, I fixed each of the words and added a fade in/out from black. It was almost perfect until I saved the animation. I went through a couple struggles relating to the size and such, but I ended up going with my original saved video. As much as I tried to fix it, the video would end up with more problems. So, I just used this one.

What I learned

     From this project, I learned about how to use the video timeline, keyframes, and fading in the separate words. It was confusing to me at first, but I finally understand how to use them all.

What I Would Do Differently

     The project, overall, was interesting, but if I had to change anything, I would obviously fix the problems that showed up with the sizing of the video. Besides the black space around my animation, I think it turned out pretty nice. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Arc Animation Project

The Process

     For this animation project, we took what we learned from the last bouncy ball animation and put our knowledge into this arc animation. I started out with making the two balls; one with a happy face and another with a mad/uncomfortable face. When we made copies of the balls for them to bounce in the shapes of arcs, we set up a guide to help us. Once I was done copying the balls and adjusting their size and shape to make it look more realistic, I added an ending to let the viewer know the animation was over. I had the ball get closer to the screen then disappear quickly using the transparency tool. We each also made a title layer and a black background for the beginning and end of the animation. Finally, I set the layers into a timeline and perfected the timing and more to finish my project.

What I Learned
     Since we used our knowledge from the past project, there wasn't many new concepts our class learned about. But, we did learn about arcs in animation and anticipation. When objects bounce in a direction, they create arcs when they do. For anticipation, it creates tension and or excitement since the viewer knows that something is about to happen.

How I Think I Did

     Overall, I think I did alright. It may not look the best, but I think it was nice to see what I could do from the other project. The only thing I would absolutely change if I had more time is the ending. It was supposed to be creative and all, but I think that I was just having a hard time coming up with something like that so I stuck to this. But this project was an interesting one and I enjoyed creating it.