Friday, August 26, 2016

Sidewalk Chalk Flag Experience

     Earlier this week, my E9 class made sidewalk chalk flags that represented each person in a group. In my group, I had two other people. We had to decide a color for each of us and a symbol. The colors would have to represent ourselves and so did the symbol. For planning out our design, I think we had a bit of trouble at first, but then we caught on.

           The other's symbols were a baseball and a water droplet. Mine was a lotus flower. I used to always draw flowers when I was really into drawing and that's why I chose to draw it. For my color, I chose orange, while the others chose blue and green. I chose orange because it stood for joy, creativity, and revolutionary ideas. I think for me, that truly represented me when I am at my best/happiest. We tried to do a fading effect on the colors, where our original color would do an ombre towards its next lighter color. I didn't get to that yellow shade but I still enjoyed the experience.

     As a team, I honestly think we did alright. Maybe not the best, but we did come up with ideas and considered everyones. We equally participated and I think that went well. Though, for a future team activity, I think I would like to have more communication. Not that we didn't have a lot, but I think more of it would better help the team's understanding of each other and how we would solve our objective.